Wednesday 15 December 2010

Fashion in Motion Stephane Rolland at the V&A

Shamefully I did not know much about Rolland until I went to see his show for the V&A last Friday. However I was very pleasantly surprised as soon as it began. Unfortunatly my camera skills are dismal. The pictures I took during the show do no justice to the amazing clothes but if you want to see what they actually looked like in all there glory then visit the V&A website. It was full of fabric, folds and fishtails...

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Holly Fulton Frenzie

I recently spotted the designer Holly Fulton in Elle magazines December issue. She was wearing one of her designs which snatched my attention imediately. After checking out her website and seeing her Spring/Summer 2011 collection I am officially a fan. Its a jam of bold aztec prints that can keep your eyes hooked for ages. I want every piece! She says 'I hope that my love of surface sets my designs apart' and without a doubt it does.

Take a look...

Friday 3 December 2010

New York Spotted!

I went on a college trip to New York last June and me and my friends planned to do a blog posting pictures of the fashionistas that we spotted. I completely forgot about it until this moment so I'm posting the people we found and the outfits that we laaaaaaaaaved! See what you think..

Oil Spill