Wednesday 15 December 2010

Fashion in Motion Stephane Rolland at the V&A

Shamefully I did not know much about Rolland until I went to see his show for the V&A last Friday. However I was very pleasantly surprised as soon as it began. Unfortunatly my camera skills are dismal. The pictures I took during the show do no justice to the amazing clothes but if you want to see what they actually looked like in all there glory then visit the V&A website. It was full of fabric, folds and fishtails...

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Holly Fulton Frenzie

I recently spotted the designer Holly Fulton in Elle magazines December issue. She was wearing one of her designs which snatched my attention imediately. After checking out her website and seeing her Spring/Summer 2011 collection I am officially a fan. Its a jam of bold aztec prints that can keep your eyes hooked for ages. I want every piece! She says 'I hope that my love of surface sets my designs apart' and without a doubt it does.

Take a look...

Friday 3 December 2010

New York Spotted!

I went on a college trip to New York last June and me and my friends planned to do a blog posting pictures of the fashionistas that we spotted. I completely forgot about it until this moment so I'm posting the people we found and the outfits that we laaaaaaaaaved! See what you think..

Oil Spill

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Marc Jacobs back for Louis Vuitton

I know I'm a little delayed, but ive finally had a good look at Marc Jacobs' fall 2010 collection for Louis' Vuitton! I cant help but drool all over the sophistication and womenliness! He has captured the pretty ladylikeness with perfect elegance for autumn. This collection straight away made me think of Diors' designs way back in the late 1920's and 30's. With modern inputs of florals, tweeds, and knitwear it's impossible for women not to fall in love with it. And if by some small chance one outfit doesn't take your fancy you only have to look down to the shoes which are instantly pleasing! The collection oozes femininity and fully expresses that the boob is back!

I have posted some of my favourites for you to have a look!

Friday 12 November 2010 The Costume Istitute

Whilst researching for my EPQ project I stumbled across this website with some of the most amaaaazing creations from so many designers. It also gives an idea of the changes through time and the desigers peices that have stood out. I have posted pictures of a few of my favourites by Bonnie Cashin, Madame Gres and Paul Poiret but there are soooo many more on the actual site! Christian Diors 1949 'Junon' and 'Venus' Dresses are without doubt magical peices to look out for as well as Louise Boulangers 1928 evening dress.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Just a few for the portfolio

Whilst sorting out my work for my portfolio I got a bit carried away on photoshop. When I was supposed to just be cropping and rotating I decided to edit a few to add a couple of graphic illustrations. These are two of my favourites. The palm tree one is a first design suggestion for our headpiece project and the other is my final design. I'm hopeing it gives an image of oil in water??

"I want Lanvin, not flowers."

I have literally just this second been on ELLEuk's website and seen the video for Lanvins new collection for H&M. I love it. H&M is my favourite high street store and from the 23rd November it will get even better when the collection goes on sale. I think the video is ammusing too. What better way to cover a ketchup stain than with a chunky, red Lanvin necklace. I can think of none! I have spotted a few beauties that will going on my christmas wish list for sure!

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Which Watch??

I have been looking at watches for a while now and considering blowing a lot of my first pay check on one of these but which one? During my usual snooping around asos I found this Marc by Marc Jacobs one with the adorable graphic numerals. Its big and chunky with an oversized face but as soon as I got to page 24 I found it had major competition from this Micheal Kors two colour one. I have been wanting a two colour watch like this for aaaaaages and this is the only one I have found that looks exactly like I have been picturing! I think either of them will last me and I will want to wear for a long time to come! As i have been looking for a watch for so long I think I have discovered that there are just too many that I want. Forget shoes and bags I think I have found my new obsession.